Dusty Bottle is a new HK band that specialize in producing R&B music. Their music is inspired by Neo-soul, Funk and R&B. They have no a fixed vocalist at their early-stage, they collaborated with various female singers. After Kerryta (Vocalist) joining Dusty Bottle, they published a retro-style disco song – You Don’t Know Me.
If you are a big fan of 80s and 90s music, don’t miss out their performance!
由第一首派台作《That Shhh Raw》開始,本地新晉R&B樂隊Dusty Bottle接連為香港主流音樂界帶來驚喜。作為環球唱片旗下子廠牌Brave Nusic的一員,Dusty Bottle由幾位同樣喜歡Neo-soul、Funk和R&B音樂的樂隊成員組成,出道初期並沒有固定主音,分別和女歌手Shimica Wong、王嘉儀、Jace和MOON合作創作英文歌,於本地掀起熱播潮流。
其後2019年初女主音Kerryta加入,同時發表復古Disco節奏新曲《You Don’t Know Me》,正式以五人陣容出道。喜歡八、九十年代廣東歌質感的樂迷,定要留意Dusty Bottle的新派復古音樂。