Steeped in the unique culture and history of Tampa, Florida, Cigar City Brewing began handcrafting award-winning beer in 2009. They ranked #3 Brewer in the World, 2010, Awards and accolades have followed, including gold, silver and bronze medals at the Great American Beer Festival. Numerous awards at the Best Florida Beer Competition and the US Beer Tasting Championships.
嚟自佛羅里達嘅 Cigar City Brewing 喺2009年正式開始釀製第一款啤酒,於2010年隨即於Ratebeer.com被選為全球第三位嘅精釀酒廠。於 Great American Beer Festival、Best Florida Beer Competition 及 US Beer Tasting Championships 獲獎無數!大家記得Mark 低Cigar City Brewing要飲返杯啦!