Band based in Tokyo, Japan. Their sound, created by interpreting all kinds of genres through their own unique filter, could be best described as sexual and romantic. Their live performance embodies the melancholic and transient nature of city life, possess the power and appeal to transcend specific “scenes”.
現正蔚為風潮的Citypop音樂,無疑是對80年代美好繁華光景的一種懷念。在其發源地日本,更見Suchmos、Lucky Tapes等upbeat復古樂團的興起。即便如此,來自同一浪潮的PAELLAS,卻散發著不一樣的憂鬱氣質。
融合House、indie R&B和Funk結他等編曲風格,主音MATTON冷酷疏離的聲線將聽者一步一步,從熙攘的街頭引領到樓閣,觀賞只有寥寥數星作伴的孤獨夜空。 PAELLAS的音樂,或許不會給你血脈噴張的感覺,但他們低調、自省的冷色調性,必然可以喚起觀眾各種城市生活的片段。